Sunday, April 29, 2007

Northern Khmer Ceremony to Honor the "gods" of Music

From time to time we would like to include pictures and information about the religious belief system of the Northern Khmer people. This past week Jim had the opportunity to observe a ceremony honoring the "gods" of music. The ceremony was held to call on the "gods" to grant ability to the students who will be learning and using these Thai instruments. The students and their teacher offered a pig head and fruit along with prayers and burning incense.

Ceremony to Honor the "gods" of music

The three idols representing the "gods" of music

Students with their Thai instruments

Praying with burning incense sticks

1 comment:

Loraena Tuttle said...

How sad. But your blog is very interesting and I'm happy to find it!

Thanks for your kind words on my page and prayers for us - it is greatly appreciated. =)